Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Running the AC all day vs. just when you get home

Does anyone know if it's better to run the A/C constantly but for shorter period of time is more energy efficient that turning it on (and having it run constantly) when it's really warm after having not been on for a while?

Just kind of wondering as it's pretty hot by me and I'm looking for the best way to save energy but still be able to sleep at night.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 has some great posts about living green. In particular is an article written with ideas for "city-dwellers" on how to have a green roof. here is a selection from that article:

"Intensive green roofs often have a soil depth of a foot or more, and require substantial structural elements to support the weight of the whole roof. Intensive roofs can sustain a wide range of plant species and typically require a fair amount of regular maintenance"

Another great site for tips on green living is

Among other great advice, they offer a top 10 list for green living tips. Here's a selection from their green living page

"What’s the Big Deal?
The future is green, and you just found it. These days you probably feel flooded by dire-sounding environmental news ("the Earth is set to deflate by 2011") and endless suggestions for greener living ("algae cold-fusion reactors for your shoes"). But fret not. We're here to help sort things out and get your eco show on the road. Here, we bring it back to basics and break it down into bite sized chunks of simple, everyday ways to live a greener, healthier, more ethical (and ultimately more fun) life. So read on. And remember, if you have a friend, relative, or colleague who needs a little help on the green front, send them this way."

NRDC: Green Living

The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has a great site on how the average homeowner can live green. They have a "green living toolkit" and "guides for building green". Check out the site at

here's a quote from their main "green living" page

"You've been meaning to do it -- start a compost pile, buy recycled paper, trade in that pollution-spewing gas guzzler for a cleaner, more fuel-efficient model -- but you've never quite gotten around to it. Well, there's no better time than the present to begin turning your environmental ideals into environmental action. So we've compiled some ideas to help you get started. No one can do it all, and new habits are hard to form. But we encourage you to bookmark this page and then check back each month for a refresher. Even small changes will help in the battle to preserve our planet!"